Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Still in the swim

Just doing about 2,200 yards a swim, three or four times a week. Shoulder? Whatever. I'd rather swim injured than not swim "healthy." The nose clip - while still making me feel a tad silly - works perfectly: No Claritin-D, no infections, no problems.

To my amusement, all the snot I would normally not have up my nose during the swim now builds up for a gross/funny moment at the end of the swim. :)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Still not much to say

except that I am now doing a 300-yard warmup and a mile swim. Figured if my shoulder is always going to bother me, I might as well get a good workout anyway.

Friday, October 19, 2007

What's to say?

I sense it may be time to decommission this blog. I have nothing of interest to report: Swimming is fine, my shoulder is not. I am just going to play through...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

mostly irrelevant post

OK, swimming is fine. My shoulder hurts every day, but what can you do? I don't have nose problems any mo.

Here is a cute non-sock sock monkey, too:

I know, it is a teeny picture, but that's just the way it goes, sucka foo.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Silence is golden

Which is to say, swimming is going well. I've been doing about a mile a day five days a week, with only off and on twinges in my shoulder. No big deal. I've dropped the five pounds or so I gained over the summer, too.

I remain invisible to other swimmers.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It works! (?)

I think the nose clip, while dorky and giving me the general appearance of Michael Jackson, works.

Not breathing out through my nose threw my rhythm off (some would argue I don't have much of a sense of rhythm to throw off), and I only did 1,400 yards or so, but that was a couple of hours ago and I can still breathe easily.

Freaky. I hope it lasts.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Worth a try

Well, it appears necessary to at least give nose clips a try. I've practiced breathing out through my mouth (I usually use my nose), and I'm sure I can figure it out. This wretched congestion won't give up, and is barely affected by decongestants. I'd much rather use a dippy device than have to keep buying and taking unneeded drugs, if they are indeed unneeded.

We'll see. I've read enough to be somewhat optimistic that this might help, and nobody pays attention to me when I'm at the pool anyway, so it's not like all the pretty girls will stop talking to me. I am invisible to them, which truth be told is kind of nice. I just want to work out, not chat. Perhaps they feel the same way.