Monday, April 30, 2007

yardage increase

I liked the experiment with swimming the whole workout straight through, and I wanted to raise my yardage a little, so I did a 2,500 straight through Sunday. I'm pretty sure I counted correctly, and it looked like I came in around 45-48 minutes. Without glasses, it is hard to tell for sure.

I realize this still isn't fast, but I think my 50-yard time has gone from 75 seconds to, obviously, less than 60, in the past year or so. Not bad, I think :)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Thursday swim

Well, what's to say? I changed my mode of operation. My used-to was to do a 500-yard warmup, take a minute-or-two break, then do 1,800 yards for the "workout."

On Thursday, I decided the break was just a way to get less of a workout, so I ditched it and did a straight 2,300. I think I still took it easy on the first 500 and sprinted the last 200, so I don't think that part made much of a difference. Now I really am facing the big question, which is whether to go for a yardage increase.

I can do the whole workout in - I estimate (and I have to, because I'm never sure how many more laps than 46 I'm doing) about 50 minutes, give or take a few. Yes, I know, that's not very fast. Odd thing: When I do the warmup I rarely lose track of laps, and 500 yards (10 laps) always takes a little less than 10 minutes. I know I'm fresh then, but I don't think I slow down much if at all in the workout portion, so I'm thinking I'm really swimming more, consistently, than 46 laps.

WTF. I need to learn to count, maybe. :)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Vanquishing the shoulder woes

Well, I've put the needles business off until further notice because I haven't had any pain to speak of while swimming (or after, either). So much the better; I'm sick of complaining.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

good swim, but lotso congestion

Another painless day in the pool - I think I might bail out of needles this month...

Monday, April 09, 2007

happy & jolly and etc., by golly

Buzzed through an easy 2,300 Sunday (after a not-totally-easy 1,900 on Saturday), although I did the last 300 after a break (so, 500, 1500, 300).

I think I gained a couple of pounds, too, with all these catawampus weeks of swimming & not. Curse that! But hey, easily remedied.

On a side note, one (count it) martini Sunday evening (happy Easter!) was too much in the congestion game. Completely stuffed up for hours afterward. This only seems to happen on swimming days. Que curioso.

Monday, April 02, 2007

tired but effective

Didn't get quite so far as I would have liked Sunday, but that's all right. Esp. b/c I did some weaving first; a good day of exercise all around. Hoping today is smooth, too.