Saturday, September 29, 2007

Silence is golden

Which is to say, swimming is going well. I've been doing about a mile a day five days a week, with only off and on twinges in my shoulder. No big deal. I've dropped the five pounds or so I gained over the summer, too.

I remain invisible to other swimmers.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It works! (?)

I think the nose clip, while dorky and giving me the general appearance of Michael Jackson, works.

Not breathing out through my nose threw my rhythm off (some would argue I don't have much of a sense of rhythm to throw off), and I only did 1,400 yards or so, but that was a couple of hours ago and I can still breathe easily.

Freaky. I hope it lasts.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Worth a try

Well, it appears necessary to at least give nose clips a try. I've practiced breathing out through my mouth (I usually use my nose), and I'm sure I can figure it out. This wretched congestion won't give up, and is barely affected by decongestants. I'd much rather use a dippy device than have to keep buying and taking unneeded drugs, if they are indeed unneeded.

We'll see. I've read enough to be somewhat optimistic that this might help, and nobody pays attention to me when I'm at the pool anyway, so it's not like all the pretty girls will stop talking to me. I am invisible to them, which truth be told is kind of nice. I just want to work out, not chat. Perhaps they feel the same way.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

time off? bah.

Well, apparently, I have not forgotten how to swim. After last weekend, I made sure to get in a midweek swim (or two. Like lap counting, I've forgotten), and Saturday was just fine. I'm still down in the cardiovascular conditioning, but it's only been a week. It will be nice to a) keep swimming; b) push the yardage up a tad, but not too much; and c) drop five pounds.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sunday swim - happy!

After a measly 700 yards or so Saturday, I wasn't too optimistic, but nor was I too sore Sunday, so I thought I'd shoot for a mile and see how it went. No big deal - 500-yard warmup, then 1,200 yards, then a cooldown lap - 1,750 yards, which by my count is a lot more like a mile than the 1,650 some swimmers suggest.

Ahh, yes, but there is that one little detail: time. Well, I was slow, but oh well. I think the 35 laps, plus two breaks, ate up about 45 minutes. That, my friend, is not too quick. Methinks I will never have a mile under 20 minutes. Drat.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


Did a fabulous 700 yards today, a whopping 250-yard warmup and then 450 more. I guess I should be happy I made it that far after such a long layoff.

No big deal; back at it tomorrow.