Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lost day

Too little sleep and too much hunger put the kibosh on today's swim after just a few laps... oh well.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

School's in!

At last, the alma mater reopened the pool, so I stopped by on a day off of work and took a dip.

Two miles, no pain (just one twinge, which is very nice, especially because my shoulder and arm have been troublesome out of the water lately), and fairly quick (for me).

70 laps in about 80 minutes, anyway, and that includes the break between the warmup (750 yards) and the rest.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Turkey Day break

so, no swimming for the week. In truth, this seems like a good thing - my shoulder is a little tweak-ish still. Maybe a week off will do some good?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Wednesday yes, Thursday no

So, sickness and health:

On Tuesday, I survived a short swim and on Wednesday I was able to do 2,750 yards, a little slow but really just fine. But my shoulder bugged me, so I didnt' go Thursday and with Thanksgiving on short final at the alma mater, I'm not sure if I'm going to be swimming this week or taking an injury time out.

Whatever. At least I got a good swim in Wednesday!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

still ill

Well, I think it is probably a sign when I go from just short of two miles to being worn out at about 1,000 yards, but at least I made it to the pool.

I had to go in the evening, which meant swimming in the "small pool," which is a portion cordoned off from the rest of the pool by a moveable barrier. The smaller portion has three lanes and is kinda short, but I wasn't really setting records Tuesday night, so no big deal.

Monday, November 13, 2006

ugh, sick.

and tired, which as Bill Cosby says, always goes with sick.

So Friday was short & I took the weekend off.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wednesday swim

took it easy today, and noticed that the pool won't be open at lunchtime tomorrow "in support" of the alma mater's all-day symposium on how to stop being a bunch of racist bozos. Seriously, the school's taking a day off to address a whole range of stuff: multiculturalism, classism, racism, blah blah blah.

The day was precipitated by a foolish choice by a couple of fraternity members, who wore blackface to a party and compounded the idiocy by letting photos make their way onto the Web.

So, those two motherfuckers are why I can't swim at lunch... Oh well.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

light week, but not entirely by choice

After only getting in three swims during the week, I showed up at the pool Saturday and found a meet in progress. On the bright side, the alma mater won (maybe the opposing team shouldn't have gone to Applebee's the night before, where the butterfly lady and I saw them)...

Of course, I can always use a few enforced time outs, and I can always go tonight!