Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Enough damn whimpering

Monday: 2,250 yards, an acupuncture appointment (complete with some kind of adjustment) and the usual ills.

Fuck it. I'm in pretty good shape, finally. My body looks the way I want it to, mostly. The pain factor is static - off and on with no rhyme or reason.

So, I think it is back to the grind: Three mile-plus swims a week seems to do no extra damage to anything, and it is good exercise, so I'm sticking with it. I've been doing a 500 yard warmup and then 1,750 yards (90 feet short of a mile, unless you do swimmer math, in which case that is 100 yards more than a mile - go figure).

I think maybe a yardage increase is in the cards.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Back in the saddle again

Couple of decent swims so far this week... nothing special, but nothing too painful, either. I sense a pattern here. Oddly, even when I get some discomfort, it doesn't last long. I guess I just have to be careful. I'm still trying to come up with a revised plan. I guess 2,250 yards, three times a week, is what I'm looking at.

That seems to be enough to pull off my fitness/weight goals for now. If I ever become more efficient, I guess I'll have to push the yardage back up. That, I think, would be nice.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

spring break

for crying out loud, I need to build my own pool.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Feeling good, but not gr8

No problems with the shoulder in the water, and no problem with velocity, but of course there had to be a glitch, which is that I'm not having very long swims. Not terrible, but three-quarters of a mile doesn't cut it for me. ugh.